Alienum for SL

The original plants fishing game

Upgrading Seed Plots from version 2.x to version 3.0

  • In the store at the HQ, get a box V2->V3 Plots.
  • Delete all seed plots from version 2 that you have.
  • Rezz the box where you want the plots, and touch it, the first plot will be rezzed.
  • Just move the new plot to place and touch again for a new one.
  • You can take the box to your inventory and rezz in another place ocontinue rezzing the new plots.
  • When all your plots are rezzed, the box will warn you about it and stop rezzing.
  • The box will copy the data from the old plots to the new ones, you will not lost seeds that are growing.
  • The free plots now holds only 2 seeds. If your free plot had seeds growing, you probably will receive the ingredients for them,or the plot will just rezz with the remaining seeds.
  • The box will rezz the number of plots accordly sales made in CasperVend and MarketPlace, inclusing the free one. You don't need to get the free plot again if you already did.